How to Join Our Exclusive CarProperty.com Agent Network
Here is How to Sign Up:
Option #1. Purchase Exclusive Zip Code Territories by using our Map Search Tool to add your Exclusive Zip Code Territories; or by using this form to buy the territories one at a time
Note: Before you can sign up for these territories you must have setup an account on CarProperty.com and you must be logged in to place your order for Exclusive Territories. If you're already registered on the site, then Sign-in here
The costs are as follows:
- United States of America Territories:
$99.00 per zip code territory per year
- Canadian Territories:
$39.00 per zip code territory per year
Volume Discounts (if you sign up for Multiple Exclusive Zip Code Territories at the same time. For example, this means that you cannot buy 10 today and 10 next week to get the 30% discount)
- Canadian Territories:
$39.00 per zip code territory per year
Volume Discounts (if you sign up for Multiple Exclusive Zip Code Territories at the same time. For example, this means that you cannot buy 10 today and 10 next week to get the 30% discount)
• 15% discount for sign up of 5 to 9 zip code territories
• 25% discount for sign up of 10 to 19 zip code territories
• 30% discount for sign up of 20 or more zip code territories
Discount Coupon Codes:
• You can apply most of the promotional discount codes that you find either in our eNewsletters that you get via email; or that you find on our site. These discounts will be applied to your order after the Volume Discounts are applied first, then the Coupon Discounts will be applied.
Please Note: Zip code territories can be priced higher than our base prices shown above, especially in popular territories where we have identified them as hot car property markets and where we have many agents requesting certain territories or where agents are on the waiting list for those territories.
Benefits of and Facts about Exclusive Territories:
- You will be found on CarProperty.com as the Exclusive Agent for sellers and buyers to contact in the territories that you sign up for.
- When people do a search looking for agents in those territories (whether they use the Map Search tool or the one territory at a time search tool ) they will see you as the Exclusive and only Agent in those territories that you've signed up for.
- Go here to see how you would be displayed on Map Search for Agents
- In the map search results that people will see when they do a search for agents in your area within a 100 mile radius or more, your name and link to your profile shows up in Bold font at the top of the search results pages.
- When you are new to our network, you'll be seen in the Exclusive Agent Network box in right hand columnn on the home page.
- People will see you as the only qualified car property expert in your territories. You are the only agent who is connected with that territory on our site.
- Top of List in Search Results! Your name and link to your profile will be at the top of both Standard Method Search and Map Search when people search to find agents in the CarProperty.com Agent Marketing Network who service their geographic areas of interest!
- In the map search results that people will see when they do a search for agents in your area within a 100 mile radius or more, your name and link to your profile shows up in Bold font at the top of the search results pages.
- When you are new to our network, you'll be seen in the Exclusive Agent Network box in right hand columnn on the home page.
- People will see you as the only qualified car property expert in your territories. You are the only agent who is connected with that territory on our site.
- Top of List in Search Results! Your name and link to your profile will be at the top of both Standard Method Search and Map Search when people search to find agents in the CarProperty.com Agent Marketing Network who service their geographic areas of interest!
- Yes, Recommended .... by CarProperty.com is what people see when they look at their search results and this is in addition to being at the top of the search list.
With Exclusive Zip Code Territories you can't get bumped from those territories for one year after you sign up and purchase them!
How to Make your Profile visible on CarProperty.com
There are two ways to make your profile visible:
1. Sign up for as many Agent Marketing Network Territories as Possible
2. Run ADs on the site in any of the the categories.
3. The more of both of these things (Marketing Territories and ADs) that you setup the more visible your profile will be (Your profile is linked to through ADs you place) .
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to join the CarProperty.com Agent Marketing Network as an Exclusive Agent.
Sign up now by purchasing individual or multiple exclusive territories
Sign up now by purchasing one of our Agent Unlimited AD Plans that includes 20 exclusive territories
We look forward to working with you!
Best Regards,
Agent Marketing Network Dept.
109 E. 17th St.
Suite 5863
Cheyenne, WY 82001