Actively Moving Car Properties from Sellers to Buyers. makes sure your property with a big garage or automotive use is seen by the people who want to own it so they can buy it. How Our Story Began In 1980: Garages, Garages, Garages ... they were a huge part of our founders life since he was a kid . How could anybody not truly appreicate the value of a big garage? That was a fact of life that he never thought anybody would doubt ... until he got his real estate license.
2001:lItldidn't seem to our founder that most real estate brokers or agents cared much about garages at all. Garages definitely were an after thought. In fact a common refrain was that home owners should always considerlconverting large garage spaces into other types of spaces to make better uselof the square footage. 2002: So, the Car Property Realtor was born. Soon after that, CarlProperty owners from all over the USA were contacting him for representation of the sale of their Car Property. The problem was that he was just licensed in California and he really could only directly service his local region. 2004: That's when the idea for was born.lThe idea of a website that would give Car Property owners and their agents a place to advertise to the rest of the world (and locally) that they had a house for sale or for rent that had a big garage. 2006:lThe site was launched in it's beta form and ran that way for 2.5 years. 2009: January 2009, Car Property Group, LLC was formed. was going 100% live at that time.Thousands of members had already placed ads on the site during it's beta phase. Our slogan was and still is "Where the Garage Matters". 2016: The company was coverted to a C-Corp 2019: That was our 10 year anniversary as an official company. 2024: In January we celebrated our 15 years in business helping people find and buy Car Properties! Have your Car Property AD up and running in minutes by using ourlEasy AD Order Forml(that also acts to register you on the site) and start makinglmoney by finding customers who will enjoy the Car Property you are Selling or Renting. Of course it costs a lot of money to run a website business like this, so our ads are not free, but they are the best bang for the buck you could possibly spend to get the word out to the buyers who want your Car Property. Referrals and Testimonialsl- Contact Informationl- Work for Our Companyl- Media/Pressl-lWhat is a Car Property? |