gearheadz's Profile

gearheadz's Profile

Number of items: 1
Number of items sold: 0
Number of ad hits: 6460
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Member (Advertiser): gearheadz
Message me
Country: USA
State or Province: MI
City: Byron Center
Gender: Male
Car Property Owner: Yes
Racing Fan: Yes
Garage Merchandise or Services: Yes
Car Collector and Enthusiast: Yes
Optional information about you (will show in your profile)
Buyer or Renter of Car Property: Yes
Members Description: Our website has many interesting items for those who enjoy performance and racing vehicles. Tin signs, apparel, posters, race related collebtibles. Something for everyone who loves cars.
Age: 69
Company Information
Company Name: Gear Headz Products
Fax: 616-532-3872
Cell Phone: 616-366-3973
Title: Owner
Phone: 866-229-7939
Country: USA
Zip Code: 49315
State: MI
City: Byron Center
Address: P.O. Box 140
Category Title Location Pic.
ZingaGarage Goods, Products and Services 1/18 Diecast Indy Car MI / Byron Center
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