exitrealty@gregorygoff.com's Profile
exitrealty@gregorygoff.com's Profile
Number of items: | 2 |
Number of items sold: | 2 |
Number of ad hits: | 27299 |
View exitrealty@gregorygoff.com's properties on the MAP |
Member (Advertiser): | exitrealty@gregorygoff.com |
Message me | |
Gender: | Male |
City: | Murfreesboro |
State or Province: | TN |
Country: | USA |
Real Estate Agents & Brokers: | Yes |
Age: | 52 |
Website: | www.GregoryGoff.com |
Website: | www.GoffGroupRealtors.com |
Website: | www.1075JimmyMalone.com |
Company Information
Company Name: | Exit Realty Bob Lamb & Associates |
Address: | 2630 Memorial Blvd. |
City: | Murfreesboro |
State: | TN |
Zip Code: | 37129 |
Country: | USA |
Title: | REALTOR, Auctioneer |
Phone: | 615-896-5656 x 153 |
Cell Phone: | 615-653-0080 |
Fax: | 1-866-739-2921 |
Category | Title | Location | Price | Pic. |
SOLD Houses on CarProperty.com | Home, Acreage and Indoor Parking... |
TN / Lebanon
$0 | |
SOLD Houses on CarProperty.com | 107 Acre Liberty Star Ranch |
TN / Liberty
$625,000 | |